America the Messy Yard Police State

Use an I-Phone to snitch on your messy yard neighbors?


Phoenix offers iPhone app to fight city blight

Jun. 11, 2010 11:02 AM

The Associated Press

Do you have graffiti, out-of-control weeds or other blight in your neighborhood?

There's an app for that.

The city of Phoenix has launched a pilot program for a free iPhone application allowing people with iPhones to point, click and send in photos of blight to the city's Neighborhood Services Department.

The myPhxAz application uses built-in GPS technology with the pictures that users send in. Residents can also opt to receive updates on the status of their request.

Phoenix residents without iPhones can continue to report blight to the department by sending an e-mail to and by phone at 602-262-7844.


America the Messy Yard Police State